05 August 2009

This is Major Tom to Ground Control

I'm stepping through the door . . .

I hope this spaceship knows which way to go! First blog post, who knows what can happen?

Since I list gaming first, we'll tackle that topic!

The latest game obsession of mine is Agricola. I found it at http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/31260 while looking for something new to play for Guys Game Night.

Ok, so Guys Game Night does not exist. But it WILL! First try is tonight. And, we're playing . . . Agricola.

So the theme of the game is that you're a 16th century farmer. You and your wife (I suppose it could also be you and your husband, to avoid offending the femerati) are subsistence farming after the plagues. The goal of the game is to expand your family and farm in the next 14 rounds. You do this by gathering resources, planting and harvesting, raising livestock, and other such fun and wholesome activities. I particularly enjoy the 'Family Growth' action. Especially after getting wood. Actually, you have to get wood first - which isn't as dirty as I'm making it sound.

This game is the top rated game on boardgamegeek.com. Since I'm not sure of the hardcore-ness of the guys I've invited to Guys Game Night, we'll see how well it pans out. Agricola can be a pretty simple game. I've played a few rounds of the family rules with my 7-year-old daughter, and she loves it. It can also be fairly complex when not using the family rules (which we won't be).

Did I mention that I'm obsessed with this game? The game comes with a thousand little wooden chits, some with nigh-indistinguishable colors. My family (wife, daughter and self included!) have spent at least 20 hours modeling characters, food and animals out of sculpey for this game. Crazy, eh?

The green team are ones I made, klag made the red team and wood. Eggs, cows and steak are mine, too.

Online, I've been playing a free Risk knock-off at strategygamenetwork.com. Ya it's Risk, and my rating stinks because of so many times I've dropped games due to not checking daily. But, it's fun. I still have my Brute at windybot.mybrute.com. Bring it on!

We'll let you know how GGN goes!



  1. That Medusa hair on the red mom looks more scary in the picture than it really is...

    I like your family growth and wood more than you do!

  2. So, ehhh, well I'm not sure I'm feeling well enough to make it tonight. Alright, I'll be there, but I'm not promising that I won't try to eat any little cows or anything.

  3. Ok....I'm trying to get more tech-y----for example, I actually pointed and clicked on this link......problem is, I don't really know how to actually POST this comment.....you need to work with your parents more along these lines.....we are trying.....cute little guys/gals, though.....enjoy your last few days of summer freedom! (You know who we are.....)
