07 August 2009

How I wish, how I wish you were here

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl
Year after year.

So, running a 102 temp over the past two days has kinda sucked. Nothing better to do with my time than mess around on the computer - and I finally got signed up on Facebook.

First, my best friend wanted me in. Then, a friend from work. Finally, after an old college buddy suggested it, I broke down.

Already have a MySpace. Guess it's passe (don't know how to type the accent mark thingy).

So, I get on Facebook, and find a friend from high school that I haven't been able to track down for something like 18 years. Have I been around long enough to even say that? Must be true.

It's good catching up to old friends. Social networking and blah blah blah.

Did NOT get the fish tank set up in the classroom yet. Now I'm having second thoughts. I foresee gum, garbage, or worse making it into the tank. Once something goes in, it never really comes out. We'll see.

My 55 gallon is doing well at home. It's quite nice. Has 3 large angels, some newly-acquired tetras, and various others. Been a while since I've had a fish tank. Swore I'd never do it again.

Guess I have no principles.

I do have scruples, though. Found one under the fridge in 1998. Man, was it delicious.

Well, it's been good to catch up with some old friends, and to find ways to connect with the new ones. For those whom I haven't yet, I'm still

Runnin' over the same old ground,
Have you found the same old fears?
Wish you were here.

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